We are all on our own journey – personally and professionally. Choices are made, paths are taken, and results from those decisions are rendered. We are trying to achieve the goal of “success” but what exactly is success for us? Money? Fame? Recognition? And how do we help yourself and reach our goals? Today, I am writing about 3 ways to focus on your own journey. Perhaps they will help you on your way to success whatever that may be for you. Or maybe they will just give you clarity in a decision. Whatever your reason, this is tried and true advice for anyone who is seeking it.
Stop comparing yourself to others

Comparison is a problem I have had in the past. In fact, I wrote a post about it over a year ago and it is one I constantly go back and reread because it is a kick in the butt I need to review all the time! Perhaps take a second and go read it for yourself. It’s relevant to you no matter if you own a business or not.
Comparison hurts no one but yourself.
Reread that sentence.
Your individual differences, your experience in life, and the resulting outlook you have – it is all a part of your journey. It’s vital to understand your own strengths because of course they will be different from others.
Start being the best version of yourself
As you know, success is not a linear pathway. As I mentioned, we all have unique life experiences that shape us a human beings. Familial, spiritual, economical, social -there are unending influences in life.
Instead of degrading yourself, re-frame your thoughts and apply your strengths in the best possible ways you are able. Become the best version of yourself. Whether that is by avoiding/removing negative influences in your life, meditating, eating better, taking a brake, or even the dreaded natural endorphin booster (exercise), taking the time to focus on your own physical and mental health is vital.
Continue dreaming big
There was a quote that I read and I will have to paraphrase it because I don’t remember the exact wording but it was along the lines of “If your dreams don’t scare you, it is time to dream bigger.”
Whether it is owning a business, quitting a job, taking that trip across the ocean, whatever… dreams are meant to be those things we aspire too. We are meant to take risks and either succeed or we fail and try again. You may make mistakes while chasing those dreams and I am here to tell you THAT IS OK! Despite their bad rap, mistakes mean you tried.
You may remember, I elaborated on this point in this post on how mistakes mean progress.
You’re not competing with anyone except yourself. Focus on getting better and wiser. And focus on how you can grow from one year to the next.
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